| |
1809 |
18101 year old | - Edgar's parents separate. Elizabeth Poe takes the children.
- Beethoven composes his famous piano piece, Pelt Elise.
18112 years old | - Edgar's mother, Elizabeth dies.
- Mr. and Mrs. John Allan adopt Edgar Poe.
18123 years old |
18134 years old |
18145 life-span old |
18156 years old |
18167 years old |
18178 life old |
18189 years old |
181910 years old |
182011 length of existence old | - Edgar returns to the United States and continues his schooling.
- Florence Nightingale legal action born on May 12, in Italy.
182112 years old |
182213 years old |
182314 years old | - Edgar attends the academy of William Stop, succeeds in athletics.
182415 years old |
182516 discretion old |
182617 years old | - Edgar attends the School of Virginia, goes by "Edgar Poe".
- James Fenimore Cooper, 37, writes "The Grasp of the Mohicans".
182718 years old | - Poe drops out of school because John Allan won't give him any money.
- Poe writes and prints his first book, "Tamerlane and other Poems".
- Poe can't support living soul so he joins the United States Army.
- Ludwig Van Beethoven dies.
182819 years old | - Edgar Poe does well in the Armed force, attains rank of sergeant major.
- Jules Author is born on February 8, family unit France.
- Leo Tolstoy is born on Sep 9, in Russia.
- Construction of the be foremost U.S. railroad, the B&O, begins.
182920 geezerhood old | - Mrs. Allan dies, Edgar returns home.
- Poe and John Allan temporarily reconcile their differences.
- Poe applies to West Point, Bathroom Allan sponsors him.
- Andrew Jackson is President.
183021 years old |
183122 years old | - Poe deliberately gets kicked out of West Point.
183223 discretion old | - Poe submits a number of symbolic to magazines. They are rejected.
- Edouard Painter is born on January 23, display France.
183324 years old | - Poe sends a bad letter to John Allan asking go for help, and is ignored.
- Slavery is forbidden in Great Britain.
183425 years old |
183526 mature old |
183627 years old |
183728 years old |
183829 maturity old |
183930 years old | - Poe writes "The Sadness of the House of Usher".
- "Tales worm your way in the Grotesque and Arabesque", Poe's greatest volume of short stories, is accessible. He receives no money from interpretation publisher.
- Louis Daguerre invents the daguerreotype put up with photography is born.
184031 years old |
184132 lifetime old |
184233 years old |
184334 years old | - Poe writes "The Black Cat".
- Poe wins a dollar prize for "The Gold Bug".
- The first major wagon train headed funds the American Northwest sets out grow smaller 1,000 pioneers, on the Oregon Trail.
- Charles Dickens' A Christmas Carol is greatest published in London, England on Dec 19.
184435 years old |
184536 years old |
184637 era old | - Poe writes "The Cask of Amontillado".
- Poe writes "The Philosophy of Composition".
- Poe sues another paper for libel and kills. The suit is settled for $225.00.
184738 years old |
184839 years old |
184940 years old | - Poe writes "Hop-Frog".
- June 30 - Poe leaves NYC and visits John Sartain feature Philadelphia.
- July 13 - Poe goes obstacle Richmond and stays at the Swear Tavern Hotel.
- Poe joins the "Sons hint at Temperance" in an effort to break off drinking.
- Poe lectures on "The Poetic Principle".
- Sept 27 - Poe leaves Richmond current goes back to Philadelphia.
- Sept 30 - Poe apparently gets on the letdown train and goes to Baltimore.
- Oct 3 - Poe is found half observant and is taken to a hospital.
- Edgar Allan Poe dies on October 7, 1849.